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Creation Care and the Gospel

Creation Care and the Gospel is an introductory primer written for church leaders and small groups that are interested in learning more about how creation care is a necessary part of Christian discipleship, and how to live out creation care as individual Christians and in the life of the church. It aims to provide Christians with the required theological and practical insights to meaningfully engage with creation care as part of daily discipleship.

Retail price: S$15.00 (Paperback)

All proceeds will go to supporting our work at Creation Care Singapore

Book Outline

Chapters 1 and 2 (Ps Leow Wen Pin) provide a biblical theology of creation care in relation to the gospel. Chapter 1 focuses on the Old Testament, while Chapter 2 on the New Testament. Chapter 3 (Mr Dennis Tan) focuses on creation care in the life of the individual Christian. Chapter 4 (Rev Lam Kuo Yung) covers creation care in the life of the local church.

Each chapter ends with a set of questions for further reflection (either individually or in small groups). An appendix with additional creation care resources concludes the guide.


Media Mentions

Who are the authors?

Reverend Lam Kuo Yong

Reverend Lam Kuo Yong is the Senior Minister of Katong Presbyterian Church, and serves as the Moderator of the English Presbytery of The Presbyterian Church in Singapore. Kuo Yung is author of the books Together Alive: Rediscovering Community Living in God’s Family and Total Discipleship: Experiencing Jesus and His Abundant Life. He is married to Lois Kwan and they have three children. In his free time, he enjoys cycling, fishing, and camping.

Pastor Leow Wen Pin

Pastor Leow Wen Pin is an Associate Pastor at Bethany Evangelical Free Church, serving actively in the church’s teaching and preaching ministries. He is also the founder of the Koinonia Inclusion Network, a disability mission organisation that enables the Church to welcome and disciple people of all abilities. A biblical scholar by training, Wen Pin is the author/editor of several books on various Christian topics. He is married to Dr Su Xinyi and they have three children: Matthew, Nathaniel, and Sophie. For more information, see

Mr Dennis Tan

Mr Dennis Tan is Co-Founder and Projects & Partnerships Lead at Creation Care SG. He graduated from the National University of Singapore in 2023 with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies and a Minor in Geographical Information Systems. Besides creation care, his interests lie in spiders, board games, and the role of the Church in society. He currently serves as the Secretary on the Local Church Executive Committee of Sengkang Methodist Church, where he also heads the creation care committee. 

Other Free Resources

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